
The Dioscuri Collection is not a commercial website.

This is a non-profit website whose main objectives are the divulgence of classical culture and the study of the coins of Ancient Rome. 

Much of the texts relating to the history of Rome and its institutions have been nourished by information taken from different websites, partially the free platform Wikipedia. My contribution consisted solely of ordering that information, of giving consistent treatment to the web pages and of seeking unity in the style in writing.

In contrast, with respect to purely numismatic content, the information comes from specialized sources and internationally recognized catalogues.

As a result of months of work, these contents have been supplemented daily with data obtained from different sources, many of which today I can’t remember.

Therefore, if some images or some pieces of information have been reproduced without taking into account the intellectual property rights that they were subject to, administrators will immediately correct the error or omission and publish the appropriate update in the shortest possible time.


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COLE, Myke. "Legiones frente a falanges". Alianza Editorial. Madrid, 2021

DANDO-COLLINS, Stephen. "Legiones de Roma". Ed. La Esfera de los libros. Madrid 2012.

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FOX, Robin Lane. "El mundo clásico. La epopeya de Grecia y Roma". Ed. Crítica. Barcelona 2007.

FRANCO CRESPO, José Manuel. "La sangre de Roma. Las Guerras Civiles y el fin de la República". Almena Ediciones. Madrid, 2019

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HAZEL, John. "Quién es quién en la Antigua Roma". Ed. Acento. Archivos Acento. Madrid 2002.

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MAÑAS, Alfonso. "Gladiadores. El gran espectáculo de Roma". Ed. Planeta. Ariel Historia. Barcelona 2013.

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MAYNZ, Carlos. "Curso de Derecho Romano". Ed. Jaime Molinas. 2a edición. Barcelona. 1892

MOMMSEN, Theodor. "Historia de Roma". 4 vol. 2 ed. Turner Publicaciones. Madrid 2003.

MONTANELLI, Indro. "Historia de Roma". Ed. Destino. Barcelona 2008.

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